About Us


Glendive, the seat of Dawson County, is considered to be the agricultural hub of eastern Montana and western North Dakota. With its railroad hub and central location sitting center of Billings, MT and Bismarck, ND on Interstate 94, Glendive is setting itself up to for the tremendous influx of oil workers and families that are beginning to settle in the area. Glendive sits on the edge of the Bakken and Three Forks/Sandish Oil Field Formations.

Because of its location, school system and amenities Glendive has become a focal point for families looking to locate to work in the Bakken oil fields and opportunities it brings. Glendive also provides great fishing, hunting and fossil finds as it is nestled between the Yellowstone River and the Badlands, and is named for the rugged terrain and jagged rock formations in the area.

We invite you to contact United Country Montana-Dakota Real Estate, in Glendive Montana. We can save you time and money in locating Glendive Montana real estate for sale throughout Dawson County in Eastern Montana. We offer a fine selection of homes for sale, farms and ranches, waterfront property, recreational land and businesses for sale. We are currently focusing on working on affordable housing developments to accommodate the oil field workings transferring to the area.